Terms & Conditions
Terms of Service:
The RaceConnect website is not responsible for any user-generated content. Content submitted express the views of the member submitting the content.
All Content submitted or uploaded by members may be reviewed by Admin. Please do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.
You agree to not use RaceConnect to submit or link any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.
Intellectual Property and Copyright:
If you believe copyright-protected work has been posted on RaceConnect by one of our users without authorization, please contact Admin providing full information.
RaceConnect events may only be participated by using legally purchased gaming and simulation software. Users identified using pirated/illegal software will be removed from our community.
This website is unofficial and is not associated in any way with any official motor-racing organisations.
If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact Admin
RaceConnect is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. If you have questions about your personal information please contact Admin.
Rules regarding user submitted content and interaction apply across the whole of RaceConnect.com. This includes:
1/. forums
2/. article comments
3/. private messages / shout box messages
4/. chat rooms (i.e. Discord)
5/. game or voice servers (i.e Server Chat/Discord)
Abuse of these points may result in a membership warning or a total ban from all RaceConnect.com services.
Mutual respect between the people using the RaceCaonnect.com website(s) and forums is expected. This means you may not personally attack other forum users. Malicious behaviour and bullying will not be tolerated. If there is a problem report it to the Admin.
The primary language at RaceConnect is English. Other languages are permitted only in private messgges between members speaking the same language.
Admin may edit/remove content posted by any user if the content is against the rules and may issue warnings, or ban users.
Members should avoid lengthy discussions in the public forums/shout box etc (i.e regarding an on track incident). If you have an unresolved conflict with another member or Admin, please use the private messaging system or email to resolve it. Forum/contact rules apply in private messages and a user should report aggressive private messages directly to the admin.
The RaceConnect is for all ages, hence we will not allow offensive pictures, movies, sexually explicit material, or any other content deemed to be outside the bounds reasonable taste (this includes Avatars/Forum Signatures etc.).
The same is true of excessive strong language or swearing. Content containing such language may be removed in whole or in part at the discretion of the staff.
Discussions and content centred around politics, race, nationality, religion, cultures or belief systems is not permitted.
Spamming & advertising is not allowed on any part of the RaceConnect Community.
Member Accounts:
Members are responsible for ensuring they keep their login credentials private and safe.
Changing usernames can be done by contacting Admin (only in exceptional circumstances)
Usernames/Registrations deemed to be advertisements will not be accepted by Admin.
Admin may request that you choose a new username if the username you have chosen causes issues or conflicts within our software systems. If no response is received a new username will be chosen for you and you will be informed of your new login credentials via email.
These terms may be changed at any time without notice.